Here's what happened when I met Bryan

Day 1- 12/12/97 at Coconuts records in N.Y.C.
As I rode the train into the city, my walkman blasting "Run to
you", my Unplugged cd in my pocket, I thought-WOW! I'm going to meet
Bryan Adams today. I sat there looking out the window wondering what I was
going to say to him. I guess I would just tell him how much I loved his
music, actually what I really wanted was to get my picture with him. As
the train pulled into Grand Central, my plan was to go to Rockefeller center
and see the big Christmas tree then go get in line for the signing. So I
made my way to the giant tree (which wasn't that big) and watched the people
ice skate for awhile until it was time to find the record store. I slowly
walked down the crowded street with my walkman on 10 wondering if alot of
people were gonna be there. I finally ended up where I thought the record
store was supposed to be but there was a restaurant there instead. So I
went a few more blocks and still no record store-ok this isn't good but
I wasn't worried. At this point I was starving ,so I grabbed a quick bite
to eat. While eating my fries, I checked my map and I was in the right place.
It was starting to get dark so I munched my burger down and off I went.
Back on the street, I went up a few blocks and then I saw it, a long line
of people. This must be the place. I went to the back of the line, it was
about a block long. My first thought was I had better get my autograph or
this trip would've been a big waste. I stood there freezing and listening
to "Into the fire". After a few minutes, alot of people were behind
me and the girl next to me started opening her unplugged cd so I asked her
if she had heard any of it. She said a few songs were good. We started talking
and the people around us were pretty cool too. Most of them were getting
autographs for their friends. We all stood around freezing when the line
began to move, they were letting people into the store. We got to move up
to the side window then the line stopped. I could see Bryan and Keith and
Bruce was there too. Then someone brought speakers outside and set them
up close to us. As I was watching the people inside with their cameras,
Bryan and Keith picked up their guitars and started playing "Back to
you". We could hear it through the speakers which was cool. Bryan kept
looking over at us and I tried to take some pics as they went into "If
ya wanna be bad, ya gotta be good/ Let's make a night to remember"
which they kind of cut short. Then we saw them stop and go downstairs to
sign autographs. They were only letting a few people at a time into the
store. As I got closer, I was getting excited trying to think of what to
say to him. Finally we made it into the store. I saw Bruce and said hi before
he went downstairs, the line was moving faster. We made our way down the
stairs and I could see Bryan and Keith sitting at a table. I was surprised
that Keith was there so that was cool. before I knew it, it was time. I
was the next in line and I hear the record store guy say "no pictures
with Bryan"--man that sucks--oh well maybe some other time. I gave
the record store guy my cd and stepped up to the table and Bryan had his
hat on and he said "what's your name" I said Chris and before
I could say anything else, the record store guy tells me to move down, that
put me in front of Keith. Bryan was still writing on my cd so Keith and
I looked at each other and I shook his hand. I told him how much I liked
what he did with "I'm ready" and "Fits ya good". He
said thanks and signed my cd then the record store guy said move along and
I was soon out the door. I waited for
some of the people I met to come
out. They finally did, and we looked at our cds-then we went our separate
ways. As I rode home on the train, I thought to myself, I didn't get a pic
and I was rushed through the line, but I got to meet Bryan and Keith for
the first time and I knew we would meet again soon.
Day 2- 12/13/97 at Tower records in Paramus, N.J.
I didn't sleep to much the night before but at least my friend Mike
was going with me this time. We got an early start and listened to "Cuts
like a knife" on the way down there. Mike was getting pumped up. We
got there about an hour early and only about 30 people were on line so we
went into the store and looked around for awhile. I bought some cds and
we got on line-with only about 40 people ahead of us. Most of the people
around us just stumbled onto the signing. Finally Bryan and Keith got there-they
didn't bring their guitars so they didn't do any songs--oh well. The line
was moving pretty good when I started thinking about what I was going to
say to Bryan-- I was alot more relaxed today. As we got to the front of
the line, more people showed up, then a girl came over to me and asked me
my name. It was Connie from the mailing list and IRC. She was with some
other people I knew from the list. We chatted briefly before they had to
catch a flight back home. It was pretty cool to meet them. As we got closer
to the entrance and I could see inside- it didn't look like there was an
annoying record store guy anywhere in sight-cool. Then I was suddenly the
next in line. I walked up to Bryan and handed him my cd and said "how
are you doing?" he said "alright". I told him to make it
out to my friend then I gave him another one to sign and without him looking
up, I told him to make it out to "that RECKLESS guy" and he was
signing away. I moved over in front of keith cause he was signing the first
cd. So there I was waitng for both of them to finish when Bryan passed the
second cd to Keith and without looking grabbed a cd from the next person
when all of a sudden he looked at me and gave me a smile--WOW!!!- that's
something I'll never forget. Anyway, I asked Keith how he was doing- he
said "alright" then I asked him if his solo record was coming
out soon and he said "yeah right" in a kidding kind of way. I
said take it easy and I was out the door again. My friend Mike was
pretty happy about his autographed
cd. As we drove off I thought I did pretty good- I got a cd signed for my
friend and another one for me but I didn't get my picture with him but that's
ok because I have a feeling that somewhere down the line, I'll meet Bryan
again and finally get that picture I've been waiting for : )